Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Indigo Day #2

Got to work today just in time for Indira to come back with a mortar and pestle. We finished making our skeins (we found some cotton, no worries) and took the Calx and indigo outside to weigh out (calx is an irritant, so outside is better). We are testing two different types of Indigo, so we measured out six 6g packets of calx, three 10g packets of a grey-blue looking indigo, and three 10g packets of a bright blue indigo. All the indigo we're using is natural, but pre-reduced, so it comes in brickett form and we have to grind it up (hence the need for the mortar and pestle).

Mix the indigo into the bucket, then the calx and wait for the bubbles!

The Calx (lime) turns it green. Once there are bubbles, you move them to the side and add the yarn and wait 24hrs.

On the way home there was a rainbow.

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